Malcolm Seaboyer of Y-CON – Building a Gaming & Comic Convention

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  • Malcolm Seaboyer is a marketing manager working in tourism and on the side – and strictly voluntarily – works with a great group of dedicated volunteers on the Y-CON Gaming & Comics Convention. 
  • Y-CON has shown enormous growth since its beginnings in 2019, enduring through the pandemic, growing steadily. and this year it has outgrown its original location with upwards of a thousand participants expected to take in the 3 day event in Yarmouth.
  • To find out more about Y-CON and their events visit their website
  • Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch and YouTube.
  • To find out more about Rural innovation and what Ignite does, check out Ignite can be found on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Follow Wade on Linkedin and on Facebook.

Malcolm Seaboyer of Y-CON – Building a Gaming & Comic Convention
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